Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Waking Up With New Intentions

Hello Everyone!

Phew!... It's been WAY TOO LONG! I have no other excuse other than I've been distracted. Although, in this distraction I have been learning a lot. A little about tracking, the planet, and some environmental safety stuff and a LOT about myself. I think mostly these past few weeks have been completely based on self-discovery and digging a lot deeper into the person I was, the person I am, and who I am becoming.

One particular path I've been taking to figure all of this out has been through homeopathy. We have a homeopath at our clinic and he has been amazing in pushing me into a new and improved version of myself. For those of you who don't know what homeopathy is - you basically spend an hour and a half talking. You answer questions, describe why you chose the words you did, describe images of what those words represent to you and from there he prescribes a remedy (or not). A lot of people say that it's a hoax and doesn't work, but I can fully vouch for it's success. I won't get into the scientific details about it now, but I will be sure to make it a blog topic in the really near future. Through all this talking and remedy taking I have done a major 180. Things that consumed me before and I knew were useless, don't even phase me now. Bad habits I had before are leaving me everyday. My selfish ways are quickly dissipating and being replaced with compassion I felt was long lost.

One thing you should know is that I live with a police officer. I completely support this line of work and what it stands for, but I would be lying if I said they didn't see the world in a very skewed view. When you spend every free minute of your life with this character type, you can't help but be influenced. It was the one thing that bothered me all the time. I hated that I would look at people and instantly judge them. Thinking they were losers and criminals. Who am I to judge?! Maybe I'm the loser. In fact, I was; just for judging them. This feeling of losing myself and down to my very core was getting overwhelming, but I would always pass it off as "growing up". I look back on this now and laugh at myself for being so blind. It's because of this way of thinking that our world suffers more and more each day. How many of us our guilty for this? We take one look at somebody and judge them before we can even stop it.

I learned my lesson in a bad way a few weeks back when this lady came in to the clinic. She's a regular patient there and I would purposely pass her off to my colleague every time she came in. I thought she was such a grump and so cold. However, the day before this particular appointment I had had an appointment with my homeopath and made a deal with myself that I would stop passing judgment. (Or at least try). So when she came in I made a point to talk to her and try to get to know one thing about her. WELL! It turns out I'm a jerk. This lady had just lost her daughter 6 months ago and was coming to our clinic as a way to get back out into the world in a healthy environment. She said it was what her daughter would want. She said that in her few months coming to the clinic she had managed to gain the energy to go jogging everyday again, to start socializing with friends from time to time and to simply get dressed in the morning and eat breakfast. Wow!... Still I'm at a loss for words and it makes me tear up (even now). If I had not been so horrible before-hand, I would've known this and done WHATEVER I could to comfort her and make her feel welcome. I was not nice to this lady. I used to ignore her and answer her with the "one word" responses all the time.

Think about it for a second.... How many people have you been rude or cold with and not even taken a second to ask them a question and get to know one little thing about them? What if that person had just lost somebody like this lady? What if they were being abused by their spouse? What if they had a sick family member and just couldn't bare to smile that day and one smile from you could've helped them relax?

I'm not saying any of this to make you feel guilty. I'm saying it to make you think. Next time you see somebody in your office, on the street, wherever.... instead of passing judgment, try smiling. Try imagining that they might be a really nice person and are maybe just too shy to make the first move. Just try.

I want all of you to wake up tomorrow morning with the intention in mind to not judge your fellow humans. To pass them in the street and smile at them when they pass you by. We all have baggage and things that distract us and keep us from smiling and sometimes it's a simple smile that changes everything for us.

Just keep it in mind. :)

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