Friday, March 11, 2011

Letting Go of Our Limits

We as people, are notorious for setting limits for our life; especially when it comes to relationships. We tell ourselves we won't become too available, we won't let people too close, we won't share our real thoughts, we won't give too much. The list goes on and on.... It's like we've become so afraid of rejection and other people's opinions that it's actually getting in the way of our ability to be compassionate with others and to grow as human beings. Instead of being on a constant upward climb to better ourselves, we are falling face-first down a mountain that just drops us off in darkness.

I spoke with a man today who's sister was diagnosed with terminal cancer and NOW, JUST NOW he is doing anything he can to get close with her and help her any way he can. Yes. Better late than never, but where was he before?? Why wasn't he there for her doing anything he could when she woke up upset or stressed one day?

And friends of mine, who's grandmother just died. They were never close with her, yet when they knew she was going to pass, they all of a sudden were driving 6 hours every weekend to spend time with her.

It seems that when doom is impending on someone's life who we "care" about, we go to great lengths to create a relationship with them. What about when they were healthy? Why didn't we want a relationship then?

I'm guilty of neglecting particular relationships in my life too. We all are; but I realize that in instant anyone in my life, including myself could be gone and I may really regret having not taken the time to get to know them. Sometimes the best way to get to know ourselves is to get to know our relatives. Whether we choose to admit it or not, these people have a vast number of traits that are not only genetically inset in us, but also organically set in us. They are at times, the missing link in some of our most intimate questions about ourselves. Maybe you never understood why everyone else in your family wasn't afraid of something strange, like grass, but maybe your grandmother or great-grandmother was; and maybe it came about from something traumatic that happened in her life involving grass. Those fears can be passed on to you or your children and you wouldn't even know why. This is how connected we are human beings.

The deeper a relationship you create with someone, the more you become connected with them and the people involved in their lives. You all share one common ground - you are sharing your relationship. Which means, you're probably sharing ideas, feelings, interests, etc... However, we have ruined these relationships by setting limits. We are taking away our ability to share true connection with one another by putting up these walls to "protect ourselves".

As I become more open-minded to the idea of the energy we pull from the earth, from others and the energy we give off; I realize we are all very connected and rooted together. Our natural ability to heal ourselves and others is simply opening our hearts and minds to others. To letting people in fully. Not being afraid of the fact that they have an opinion, and although it may be different from yours, this may be the opinion that could make all the difference in your process upward. When we die, we can't take our money and our things, but we can leave an energy in the people we love as well memories and stories that can be passed on forever by simply letting people see who we really are, and by giving all of ourselves to those we care about. AND not just when they have been stricken with bad news, but all the time. Letting those around us know that even on a rainy day, if they're afraid of the wind, that we're there, and there's no limits to our love and support for them.

Don't be afraid to show the people in your life who you are. There's a reason why they love you and have chosen to make you apart of their story. 

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